So before the rise of Christianity we were all pagans.
The Wickerman
A Wicker man was a large wicker statue purportedly used by the Ancient Druids
Archaeological evidence from the British Isles seems to indicate that human sacrifice may have been practiced, over times long pre-dating any contact with Rome. Human remains have been found at the foundations of structures from the Neolithic time to the Roman era, with injuries and in positions that argue for their being foundation sacrifices.
Animal spirit dance
Some Pagans dress as animals during the Animal Spirit Dance. It is a ritual where people go into trance and give over their bodies to the spirit of their animal spirit guides. It can be quite intense. The object is to allow the animals spirit to inhabit you so that you will be able to see with its eyes, hear with its ears, feel with its skin, taste, smell and experience the power of the animal.
Black Cats
The black cat in folklore has been able to change into human shape to act as a spy or courier for witches or demons. The folklore surrounding black cats varies from culture to culture. They can often be considered good luck to have around.
Witch Circle - Very Nice
sexy time
I have never seen any naked Witches except in movies
How much ?
Burning Stuff To Feel Good
watch this video ^
No one was burnt alive that day. The temple was set up here in the city and then moved to a farm for the burning. Are we reverting back to Paganism ?
Horror Masks
Scary Pagan Masks in Slavic folklore –Masks are used mostly during Fašiangy or Turíce feast days; then also during the Winter solstice (Kračún, Koleda) – now under the term Christmas; and a mask can be also found during the Burning of Morena feast (these feasts are of an old Slavic pagan origin) Their original meaning is to protect people and their property against the evil
This is how they welcome new visitors some place in Europe. The visitors don't like to stay very long for some reason...
Are you concerned about
Strange Pagan Rituals ?
Have you seen this man in your dreams ?
Who is he ?
watch this video ^
Celtic Cross
An Irish Celtic Cross is an example of blending Paganism with Christianity
Not sure about putting a beehive on my head,
or burning stuff to feel good.
It is thought Stonehenge could have been used for Pagan rituals
The Wizards were just people that knew how to do things , or were they ?
We have a Wizard here in Christchurch New Zealand
What is with Pagan Antlers ?
Put simply Pagans like to hunt , kill , and eat meat.
The Christmas Tree
The Christmas tree has a Pagan origin . When I get around to it I will find out a bit more.
A strange looking bunch of blokes
This is the end of this blog post